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Faculty of Philosophy


Causes of Deaths of Philosophers: W-Z

A-C |
D-G |
H-L |
M-P |
Q-V |
Index |
D. H. Mellor

Causes of death of philosophers: W-Z


Wagner: Götterdämmerung
Walton: Make-believe
Warburton: Went back to basics
Weber: Overwork
Wheeler: Manifold causes
Whitehead: Procession
Wiggins: Substantial change
Williams: Bored with immortality
Winch: Witchcraft
Winnicott, Donald: Falsified himself
Wisdom: Other minds
Wittgenstein: Became the late Wittgenstein
Wolf: Sanctified
Worrall: Destructured
Wright: Objectified


Zeno: Run over by tortoise

Updated 10 September 2019