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Faculty of Philosophy

Students studying in the Philosophy Library

Cambridge University Libraries

Finding things in Cambridge University Libraries

Use iDiscover to search our print and online collections. Ask us or see the iDiscover LibGuide for further details and searching tips.

Finding reading lists and other course materials

Links to your reading lists and other course materials can be found on each of the individual Moodle course pages.  Links to print and online versions of all the Philosophy Tripos reading lists can also be found on the Faculty Reading Lists page (Raven login required)

Finding electronic books and journals for Philosophy

The Philosophy eresources page of our LibGuide provides information and quick links to help you find electronic books, journals articles and other online resources for your subject. 

Researching a topic

See the Researching a topic page of our LibGuide for advice on finding books, articles and other information relevant to your subject.  

Accessing eresources off-campus

To find out how you can avoid hitting unnecessary paywalls and login screens when accessing electronic books, journals and databases awy from Cambridge, take a look at this guide to Accessing & using e-resources.  

Finding exam papers

You can browse past exam papers for the Philosophy Tripos via the Faculty's Undergraduate Exams page.  There you will also find links to sample answers, examiners' reports, guidance on undertaking and presenting extended essays and dissertations and other important information about exam arrangements and avoiding plagiarism.

Finding examples of extended essays and dissertations

Some examples of dissertations which were awarded Firsts are available via the Faculty's Extended Essays & Dissertations page.  Print copies of other good examples of coursework are available to read in the Philosophy Library.  A list of these can be found on the Extended Essays and Dissertations Moodle page (Raven login needed to self-enrol) and they can be requested at the library desk.  

Referencing your work

For advice on presenting and referencing your coursework, see the Referencing page on our LibGuide.

Further support

Please feel free to contact us with your questions and we will be happy to help!