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Faculty of Philosophy


Expense Claims

An expense claim is usually for travel, accommodation and subsistence

Expenses can only be claimed for after prior permission from the account holder. They must be submitted as soon as possible as there are time limits for payment. You should submit claims by the end of the month in which the expense has been incurred.

Examples of account holders are: 

  • The PI (Principal Investigator) for research grant expenses
  • Chair of Faculty Board or Faculty Administrator for Faculty expenses and approved workshop/conference expenses
  • Treasurer/Secretaries of Moral Sciences Club for Moral Sciences Club expenses.

Equipment, goods or services do not count as expenses, and the University's Financial Procedures on procurement must be followed. These items need authorisation from the Faculty Administrator before purchase.

When applying for a reimbursement of expenditure associated with University business, please complete the appropriate claim form from the bottom of this page. Please note that details for “subsistence/accommodation allowance/other expenses” should not be filled in or claimed for, unless this has been approved in advance.

University staff should use SAP Concur, the new digital expenses management system, to claim expenses. See here for access and full details.

Students/visitors need to email the completed signed form with scanned copies/photos of itemised receipts and/or tickets for travel to: philacc at 

(This email is accessed by Yuni Fan, accountant, and Heather Sanderson, Faculty Administrator.)

Air travel

If you are claiming air travel that you booked yourself, we ask you to supply either a boarding pass or baggage tag after your have travelled.

Accommodation and information about subsistence rates

If you are claiming for accommodation that you booked yourself, please supply an itemised receipt, or an itemised invoice plus confirmation of payment.

See the University's webpage about Subsistence Rates.

Payments for non-employees

Reimbursements are now all paid electronically into a personal bank account.

As well as the completed expenses claim form, we will also need a PDF or photo of a bank statement (transactional details can be covered up) that shows:

·         bank name and address,

·         Individual's name and address,

·         account number and sort code

Foreign currencies can be paid into a personal bank account by bank transfer If in doubt about any details required on the expenses claim form, check with your bank first.

Payments for University of Cambridge employees

Payments for employees will be made by direct bank transfer. You will receive an email from containing the Subject heading “University of Cambridge - Remittance Advice” to confirm the BACS payment details.


No one is allowed to authorise reimbursement of their own expenses. The Faculty Administrator has delegated authority to check and approve expenses claims made by individuals in the Faculty.


  • Faculty/University employees - use online SAP Concur form and upload receipts (click here for the Expenses Hub webpage, including login and guidance)
  • Students, visitors, or anyone else not on the University payroll - use FD1A form (click here for the FD1A form)

Please do not use old obsolete forms.