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Faculty of Philosophy


Photo of Raymond GeussRaymond Geuss works in the general areas of political philosophy and the history of Continental Philosophy.


Principal academic publications

  • The Idea of a Critical Theory (Cambridge University Press,1981)
  • Morality, culture, and history (Cambridge University Press,1999)
  • History and illusion in politics (Cambridge University Press, 2001)
  • Public goods, private goods (Princeton University Press, 2001)
  • Glück und Politik: Potsdamer Vorlesungen (Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2004)
  • Outside ethics (Princeton University Press, 2005)
  • Philosophy and real politics (Princeton University Press, 2008)
  • Politics and the imagination (Princeton University Press, 2010)
  • A world without why (Princeton University Press, 2014)
  • Reality and its dreams (Harvard University Press, 2016)
  • Changing the subject (Harvard University Press, 2017)
  • Who needs a world view? (Harvard University Press, 2020)
  • A philosopher looks at work (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
  • Not thinking like a liberal (Harvard University Press, 2022)
  • Seeing double (Polity Press, 2024)

Papers, Comments, Interviews, Reviews

  • ‘Republik, Markt, Demokratie’; Afterword to Die Antipolitischen, Jacques de Saint Victoire (Hamburger Edition, 2015)
  • `Richard III : Déchirement tragique et rêve de perfection’ in Richard III :Loyauté me lie ed. Garutti et Lambert-Wild. (Les Solaires intempestifs. 2016)
  • ‘Lecturing on Nietzsche’ in Arion  (summer, 2017)
  • ‘Nietzsche’s Germans’ in Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche ed. Stern (Cambridge University Press, 2019) 
  • ‘Review of Molière’s Tartuffe (adapted by Christopher Hampton, at Haymarket Theatre)’, please click here
  • 'Normativität in der Kritischen Theorie der Politik' in Kritische Theorie der Politik ed. U. Bohmann and P. Sörensen (Suhrkamp, 2019)
  • ‘Realism, yet again’ in Debating Critical Theory ed. Christ, Lepold, Loick, Stahl (Rowman and Littlefield, 2020)
  • Politik und Wert’ in Nietzsches Perspektiven des Politischen ed. Ruehl and Schubert (de Gruyter, forthcoming)
  • 'Gelingen, scheitern, besser scheitern' in Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie (2023)
  • 'As a political scientist: A conversation with Raymond Geuss' in journal Polity (forthcoming)


  • 'Philosophy and the Economic Crisis' (Lecture UEA, Thursday 8 November 2012)
  • Seven lectures on Nietzsche, Michaelmas 2013
  • Eight lectures on Marxism, Michaelmas 2013
  • Mr Bricolage, December 2013
  • Innenminister, December 2011
  • Baltimore, January 2014
  • Lucretius (January 2014)
  • Evil (February 2014)
  • Toast (March 2014)
  • ‘Er [Kant] ist unbrauchbar’ in ‘Was bleibt von Immanuel Kant?’ Die Zeit 20.12..2015
  • `Woher kommt die Wut der Briten?‘ Süddeutsche Zeitung 28.06.2016
  • `When inspiration fails‘ in Cambridge Literary Review, vol. 10 (2017)
  • Gedichtszyklus’ in Auf Nietzsches Balkon III ed. Bianchi (VDG, 2018)
  • `Pater Krigler‘ in Warum Marx?  (internet-journal Soziopolis 05.05.2018)
  • Conversation on A World without why in fourbythree [internet journal]
  • ‘Ten minutes on nihilism’ in fourbythree [internet journal] 
  • ‘Eine Republik der Diskussion’ in (18.06.19)
    [Translation into English to appear in 'The Point']
  • ‘The last nineteenth century German philosopher’ in Verso.Blog (August 2019)
  • ‘Fieberbaum’ in Cambridge Literary Review vol. 12 (2020)
  • ‘Auf dem Philosophenkongreß.....’ [short text in German forthcoming on the web-page of Hamburger Edition]
  • ‘The pleasures of using “whom” correctly’ : website of the journal Arion
  • ‘Boris Johnson: Der Abräumer’ in Die Zeit 15 January 2020-06-14
  • `Goethe or Horace‘, in Quarantine Journal  (The Point internet), 19 March 2020
  • ‘Like Night’ in Quarantine Journal (The Point internet), 2 April, 2020
  • ‘ Loss of public space in a pandemic’ : Cambridge Reflections: Covid-19, 18 May, 2020 (internet)
  • ‘You don’t need an identity’ in iai news, issue 96, 19 May 2021-05-23
  • `Der Zusammenbruch der Bewußtseinstheorie’ (review of Dieter Henrich Ins Denken ziehen) In Information. Philosophie (Heft 3/2021)  (in German)
  • 'Foreword' to Yesterday's Tomorrow by Bini Adamczak (MIT Press, 2021)
  • ‘What’s wrong with liberalism?’  Interview in THE 12.05.22
  • 'Responding in times of bereavement’ in There and not there: Chronicles of art and loss, by Tim Mathews (Ma Bibliothèque, London, 2022)
  • Interview with Oxford Political Review (May 2022, Internet)
  • Interview with Johnny Lyons: Talking to Thinkers (8 October 2022, Internet)
  • Lecture on Montaigne (19 October 2022, Internet)
  • Interview "Warum der Liberalismus eine gefährliche Ideologie ist", Deutschlandfunk Kultur ("Sein und Streit"), 05.05.23 [audio only, in German]
  • Noising the atmosphere with Raymond Geuss - What the life of the rose tells us about the meaning of life 
  • 'One worldview to rule them all' (Podcast, Metis, ETH Zürich, 2024)
  • 'Preface' to Watch your words by Gérald Garutti (forthcoming Spring 2024, Polity Press)