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Faculty of Philosophy


JointSessionThe BSPS Annual Conference

University of Cambridge, Fitzwilliam College

10 July – 11 July 2014

The University of Cambridge will host the annual conference for the British Society for the Philosophy of Science at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

The conference programme is now available, as is further specific information for speakers and chairs at the open sessions.

Those who have already made a booking for this conference should register and obtain their conference packs between 09.00–10.00, Thursday 10 July, in the Auditorium of Fitzwilliam. There is a map of Fitzwilliam at the back of the conference programme. (NB: Bookings for BSPS closed on 28 June, and we cannot now accept any new bookings.)

If you have already booked accommodation through the Cambridge esales website, your accommodation is at Fitzwilliam College. To check in to your room, you should enter Fitzwilliam via the South Entrance (Porters' Lodge), located off Storey's Way. (NB: bookings for accommodation closed on 28 June, and we cannot now accept any new accommodation bookings.)

All enquiries concerning this conference should be sent to

The University of Cambridge will also be hosting the 88th Joint Session and the BSET annual conference.