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Faculty of Philosophy


Call for Expressions of Interest for British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship applications: Faculty deadline 5pm Friday 18th August 2023.


The Faculty operates an internal ranking of applications for this fellowship, and only a limited number will be submitted to the British Academy.

If you are interested in applying through the Faculty of Philosophy, please check that you meet the British Academy eligibility conditions and then send the following documents to by 5pm (UK time) on Friday 18th August 2023.

1) The completed Faculty expression of interest form including the name of your proposed mentor(s), and confirmation that the mentor is willing to support your application

2) Your CV (2 pages) and list of publications

The details of the call can be found on the Academy's website: 

Awards are typically for three years and cover the salary of the Postdoctoral Fellow to work full-time on the Fellowship, small-scale research expenses, costs towards the time of a mentor and the host institution's estates and indirect costs.