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Faculty of Philosophy



Russell in 1893 as a BA in mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge
Russell in 1893 as a BA in mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge (photo displayed with permission of Bertrand Russell Archives McMaster University)


Eighth Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic

17th - 18th January 2015
St John's College, Cambridge

The conference will be held on the 17th and 18th of January 2015 in St John's College, Cambridge. Our keynote speakers for the conference are Prof. Alan Weir (Glasgow) and Dr Mary Leng (York).  

For additional information, see the Conference Facebook page

Conference Program

Saturday 17th January

9:30 - 10.00

Registration and Coffee

10:00 - 11.15

Sebastian Greve (Oxford): Misunderstanding Gödel’s
Theorems VI and XI: Incompleteness and Undecidability

Respondent: Dr Arif Ahmed (Cambridge)

11:15 - 11.45   Coffee
11.45 - 13.00  

Chris Scambler (Birmingham): The Philosophical
Significance of Semi-Constructive Set Theory

Respondent: Prof Michael Potter (Cambridge)

13.00 - 14.00   Lunch
14.00 - 15.15  

Casper Storm Hansen (Aberdeen): Conventional Truths and Absolute Facts

Respondent: Dr Robert Trueman (Stirling)

15.15 - 15.45 Coffee
15.45 - 17.30

Keynote: Mary Leng (York)

20.00 Drinks and Conference Dinner will be at The Punter 

 Sunday 18th January

10:00 - 11.15 Fenner Tanswell (St Andrews): Saving Proof from Paradox:
Gödel’s Paradox and the Inconsistency of Informal Mathematics

Respondent: Dr Brian King (Oxford)

11:15 - 11.45   Coffee
11.45 - 13.00  

Trevor Teitel (Oxford): Why Skolem Can’t have

Respondent: Dr Tim Button (Cambridge)

13.00 - 14.00   Lunch
14.00 - 15.15  

Peter Fritz (Oxford): First-Order Modal Logic in the
Necessary Framework of Objects

Respondent: Dr Michael Gabbay (KCL)

15.15 - 15.45   Coffee
15.45 - 17.30 Keynote: Alan Weir (Glasgow)

For any questions about the conference or registration, please contact the conference organisers, Fiona Doherty and Fredrik Nyseth at  .

We would like to thank the Analysis Trust, the Aristotelian Society, the British Logic Colloquium, the British Society for the Philosophy of Science and the Mind Association for their generous support of the conference.

Saturday, 17 January, 2015 - 09:30 to Sunday, 18 January, 2015 - 17:30
Contact name: 
Fiona Doherty or Fredrik Nyseth
Event location: 
St John's College, Cambridge